HomeNewsDogs at The Business Village

Dogs at The Business Village

This International Dog Day, we’re taking a look back on how we became a dog-friendly centre and how it’s going today!

Over recent years, it’s become increasingly common to see dogs in the workplace. I’s a huge benefit for anyone who doesn’t like leaving their pet home alone all day. However, convenience is only one of the benefits of bringing your dog into work. 

It’s well known that dogs can reduce stress and boost morale in the workplace. They can also help increase productivity and improve team bonding and communication.

At The Business Village, we understand the profound impact our pets can have on the work environment and our work-life balance. We became a dog-friendly centre in March 2023, and since then we have welcomed dozens of beloved pets! From Chihuahuas to Dobermans, we love the canine companions that enrich our already diverse community. 

How did we get here?

It’s a big change if dogs have never been a part of your office before, therefore careful consideration is important to ensure the comfort of both dogs and people.

We began by asking tenants to share their thoughts on dogs in the workplace.

When asked whether you’d like to bring a dog into your office space, 70% said yes, 24% said no, and a further 6% of respondents left the answer blank.

“I don’t have a dog, but I would be happy to see dogs at The Business Village.”

“I have a dog at home, but it is not an appropriate environment for dogs to be in the workplace as business needs to be kept professional.”

Of those indicating they would like to bring a dog into the workplace, there was a divide in the frequency:

Daily = 32%

Two or three times a week = 19%

Once a week = 13%

Once a month = 36%

Over 50% said that dogs in the office would contribute to your sense of job satisfaction, and 49% said that dogs would make it easier and more fun to socialise with co-workers.

“A well behaved dog in the workplace can have a very calming and positive effect on staff.”

20% had concerns about the risk of allergies, and 11% were worried about the risk of injuries. There was also some concern (21%) that dogs in the office could prove to be disruptive and/or destructive.

“As a business providing a relaxing service to clients visiting my treatment room within The Business Village, I would be concerned about not just excessive noise, but even occasional barks which would have a detrimental impact on the way in which my clients view my services and the environment they are provided in.”

There were some concerns from tenants who are allergic to, or fearful of dogs. And we received suggestions about guidelines when in common areas or exercising outside.

On balance, many of the comments received were positive towards the idea.

“This would be an incredible benefit to working at The Business Village and will make it even more appealing to existing tenants where it’s already a great space. A FANTASTIC idea.”

The benefits of dogs in the workplace

Looking at the wider picture, allowing dogs into the workplace is more beneficial than simple owner convenience.

It’s long been known that owning a pet can improve our physical and mental wellbeing. Research suggests that stroking pets can reduce stress hormone levels, and going for a daily walk with your dog is good for physical health too. Pets can also have a calming effect in the office and lead to a more relaxed workplace environment.

Reducing stress

Dogs can reduce stress and anxiety in humans, even when it’s not your own pet, which helps to lower cortisol, heart rate and blood pressure. In a work setting, it leads to a more enjoyable working environment, which boosts morale and increases job satisfaction.

Increasing productivity

You may think a dog would be a distraction, but they’re actually great for giving people quick breaks, helping to revitalise energy and increase the capacity for creative thinking. Plus, a happier workplace means employees are less stressed and more productive.

Encouraging collaboration

Dogs often make it easier for people who don’t know each other to start conversations. That increased connectivity can encourage collaboration and generate positive feelings towards each other. It also helps to build stronger relationships.

Creating healthy lifestyles

We all know what it’s like to get stuck into work and realise we’ve not moved from the desk for several hours. This can lead to fatigue and lack of concentration. Having a dog which needs taking outside regularly encourages you to take a short break. As a boost, you get some fresh air and a quick stretch of your legs too.

Welcoming Dogs at The Business Village

Following the results of our tenant survey, the management team decided to allow dogs into The Business Village from March 16th 2023. However, it’s important to provide the best environment for all our tenants. Therefore, we introduced guidelines for dog owners to follow and tips to help make the experience smooth for you, your co-workers and your dog:

  • Check whether anyone in your office is allergic to or afraid of dogs. If they are, re-consider whether it’s appropriate to bring your dog into the workplace.
  • Ensure your workspace is dog-proof (remove poisonous plants, secure toxic items, etc).
  • Make sure your dog is healthy so it’s not spreading any infections.
  • Think about whether your dog is shy or aggressive, and how they are with other dogs or strangers.
  • Help your dog feel at home by bringing food, treats, water/food bowls, dog bed, toys, etc.
  • Introduce your dog to other dogs outside the office. The car park is a great place, and you could go for a short walk together before settling down to work.
  • Exercise your dog before going into the office so they’re more likely to settle and feel calm.
  • Plan feeding times around your work schedule.
  • Avoid forcing co-workers to interact with your dog.
  • Keep your dog under supervision and have a strategy if it becomes boisterous, agitated, or withdrawn.

There are some great benefits to bringing your dog to work, but there are also some clear challenges to consider too.


Some severe allergies can be triggered even when not touching a dog. It’s important to recognise and respect anyone with an allergy, even if it’s not severe. If co-workers are allergic, dog free areas are important or even preventing dogs in your office altogether.

Fear of dogs

As with allergies, dog-owners need to respect when co-workers have a fear or phobia of dogs. This is especially so when it’s a severe phobia.


A boisterous or barking dog can be a huge distraction for co-workers and other tenants. So, it’s important for owners to keep their dog occupied and quiet during work.

Hygiene concerns

Most dogs shed hairs which get left around the office. They’re also prone to fleas and ticks which could affect co-workers. Plus, whilst most dogs are house-trained, accidents can happen.

Safety concerns

Dogs can be a trip hazard and can also bite, especially if feeling threatened. It’s important for owners to keep their dog supervised and be responsible for its behaviour. If a dog is showing signs of distress, it may be happier at home.

Final thoughts

Some of the most well-known companies in the world have dog-friendly policies:

  • Amazon
  • Uber
  • Ben & Jerry’s
  • Google
  • Air BNB

We love the dozens of furry friends that now spend their days at The Business Village, and we strive to make our environment as comfortable and stress-free as possible for both tenants and dogs.

To chat about bringing your dog into The Business Village, send an email to hello@barnsleybic.co.uk, or call us on 01226 249590, and we will get the process started!