Drop-in chat with Specialist Consultant from Will Consult You.
Have you considered how your estate can be drastically eroded during your lifetime by care fees and when you die with probate and funeral costs. Each year 70,000 homes have to be sold to pay for Long Term Care. Have you considered what the impact of divorce and remarriage can have on your children’s inheritance? Planning ahead will help significantly reduce the costs and stress for your loved ones and prevent any sideways disinheritance.
Come along to the Bistro on Friday 22nd March between 10am – 2pm and meet our Specialist Consultant from Will Consult You Limited.
‘Prevention is better than cure’. We create robust legal documents for our clients including Wills, Lasting Powers of Attorney, bespoke Trusts to make sure your family are not left picking up the pieces. We do this in the comfort of your own home and will only charge a fixed fee, no matter how many appointments or time it takes. If you are interested in any of the above, come along for an informal chat – we hope to see you there!